Love, love, love Boston Cream Pie - it's always been one of my favorites. I've never had or made a hot milk cake, so I'm looking forward to trying this. As much as I bake, I have never actually made a Boston Cream Pie, so this is on the docket for this weekend. I always have an awful time trying to cut a cake in half as well, so this will be my opportunity to use my cake slicer that I bought months ago. We'l see how that works! Since my birthday is coming up near the end of the month, maybe if I'm a good girl, I'll earn a trip to KA to purchase some Vanilla Crush. I have Vanilla Bean paste, so maybe I'll use that for this recipe! Can't wait to see your new place!
Did anyone else notice the plethora of October birthday folks in this thread? Someday we'll have to plan a great big fall birthday celebration. Maybe shoot for the world's biggest Boston Cream Pie??? ~ MaryJane
October 9, 2012 at 3:40pm