
July 14, 2012 at 12:25am

Question, please: I almost never remember to make my custard base the day before, so I have used an ice bath to quickly chill custard. I usually put the custard in one stainless steel bowl, that I set inside a large stainless steel bowl that is filled about 2/3 with ice. Then, I occasionally stir the custard with my whisk as it is cooling. Is there any reason for me NOT to use an ice bath to chill the ice cream base before putting in the ice cream maker? I just never see this listed as an option in any ice cream recipes, so I wondered if there was a reason why. Thanks! Great question. Nope, no reason not to chill the custard base. I always do. Beginning with a pre-chilled base helps prevent excessive overrun (too much air in the finished ice cream). Frank @ KAF.
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