Terrible outcome. Flat, thick crunchy crust that is not easy to break, doesn't cook on the inside and no rise. Flavor was terrible, no sourdough taste at all, just a bit of tang is all. I used KAF sourdough starter which was very active. 2 days of work for these paperweights and several dollars of expensive KAF flour wasted.
I am so sorry this was not a good experience for you! Sourdough can be a challenge and we certainly understand these challenges. We want to help and would really love for you to call and speak to one of our bakers. We are not able to compensate for your time but can for the materials. Our toll free number is 1-855-371-2253 and are here every day until 9pm during the week and 5pm on weekends. You'll be back in the saddle soon! Elisabeth
March 6, 2013 at 10:18pm