Hello! Thank you for the thorough article. I received a mature starter from a friend that doubled and bubbled after the first feed.
At about hour 6, I used it for baking and fed some more. After this second feed at hr 6, the bubbles were much smaller and did not rise as much. I was slightly puzzled and fed a third time after about 10 hrs from the last feed and now there is very little movement (similar to day 3-7 of starting a starter from scratch, with hooch on top)
Could I have over fed it in a short time and not let the bacteria grow? It seems like the starter has weakened, but do I still discard the same amount as I feed?
Any advice on how to bring it back to a healthy strong starter from here...?
April 12, 2020 at 4:44pm
Hello! Thank you for the thorough article. I received a mature starter from a friend that doubled and bubbled after the first feed.
At about hour 6, I used it for baking and fed some more. After this second feed at hr 6, the bubbles were much smaller and did not rise as much. I was slightly puzzled and fed a third time after about 10 hrs from the last feed and now there is very little movement (similar to day 3-7 of starting a starter from scratch, with hooch on top)
Could I have over fed it in a short time and not let the bacteria grow? It seems like the starter has weakened, but do I still discard the same amount as I feed?
Any advice on how to bring it back to a healthy strong starter from here...?
Thank you for your help in advance.