Hi, Leah! If you are using sourdough to make a recipe that only calls for sourdough for the flavor and not for leavening (as in pancakes, biscuits, or cake), you'll want to use what's called discard or unfed starter. This is the starter that you remove from your primary starter when you feed it each time. You do not feed this starter before using it, but can just take it from whatever container you're using to store your discards in the refrigerator and scoop it right into the mixing bowl. You can use the entire amount too, as it will always get replenished the next time you feed your primary starter.
If you are using sourdough to bake bread, you'll use what's called ripe or fed starter. This is the starter that you will remove your discards from and then feed. If left out on the countertop, this starter will double in volume about 6 to 8 hours after feeding, at which point it is ready to use in your bread recipe. You will always need to feed your starter before baking bread. We hope this helps clarify!
February 6, 2020 at 1:29pm
In reply to If I want to use my… by Leah dorman (not verified)
Hi, Leah! If you are using sourdough to make a recipe that only calls for sourdough for the flavor and not for leavening (as in pancakes, biscuits, or cake), you'll want to use what's called discard or unfed starter. This is the starter that you remove from your primary starter when you feed it each time. You do not feed this starter before using it, but can just take it from whatever container you're using to store your discards in the refrigerator and scoop it right into the mixing bowl. You can use the entire amount too, as it will always get replenished the next time you feed your primary starter.
If you are using sourdough to bake bread, you'll use what's called ripe or fed starter. This is the starter that you will remove your discards from and then feed. If left out on the countertop, this starter will double in volume about 6 to 8 hours after feeding, at which point it is ready to use in your bread recipe. You will always need to feed your starter before baking bread. We hope this helps clarify!