The Baker's Hotline

August 13, 2017 at 11:21am

In reply to by jaime (not verified)

Don't worry, Jamie: it's hard to mess up sourdough starter if you continually feed it with equal amounts of flour and water by weight, which it sounds like is what you're doing. You can start each feeding by discarding about a half cup or all but 4 oz.; you can choose based on the volume of starter you'd like to maintain. You can stir that liquid on top (the "hooch") back into the remaining starter and then add about 4 oz. of flour and water, but again you can adjust this based on how much starter you're shooting for. Just be sure you add equal amounts of flour and water. Once it becomes bubbly (usually about 2-6 hours), you're ready to bake! If you'd like additional tips, check out our full Sourdough Baking Guide for a full step-by-step walkthrough of feeding a sourdough starter. We hope that helps! Kye@KAF
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