My process for rescuing a starter that has started to show signs of mold: I have had the same base starter for over 30 years. However, about 3-4 times during that 30 years for various reasons, I wasn't able to keep my starter fed well enough and a small amount mold began to develop over the top--JUST the top---NOT throughout the batch. To save it, I skimmed off the top with the mold on it then turned over the container to drain as much starter out as possible. Then I take a tablespoon of 'clean' starter that is still sticking to the bottom of the jar and place it in a sterilized jar for feeding; adding a cup or two of flour and spring water until it's the right consistency. It comes back mold free and this has worked every time for me. Another suggestion is that the extra starter you drain off between feedings doesn't have to be 'thrown out' in a trash bag in the landfill....your extra yeast starter also works great in the garden compost.
April 3, 2017 at 11:46am