I have tried 2 times to make a starter so far, and both times my starter was speckled with grayish green spots at the 24 hour mark. (I threw them out to be safe) The first time I used plain tap water and AP flour. The second time I tried using Brita-filtered tap water. I have been using a clear glass bowl loosely covered in plastic wrap instead of a jar or crock. Aside from the mold, my starters have been the right consistency with good bubbles. It felt like such a shame that I had to throw them out, but I rather not take needless risks with mold.
Any ideas on where the mold might be coming from? Should I switch to bottled water? Should I take the home canning approach and boil all my "hardware" to sterilize? I'm starting to doubt if it's worth all the trouble! Please help :(
November 25, 2015 at 2:41am