This is a great question Toni--if you are allowing your starter to sit at room temperature for few hours before using it in a recipe, you can loosely cover it with plastic wrap so that it does not dry out but can still breathe. Ironically, we have found that a (clean, unused!) plastic shower cap works great for this task. If the room is particularly chilly, I sometimes put a warm kitchen towel over the plastic wrap to insulate some warmth. If you are leaving your sourdough on your counter for a longer period of time, we suggest putting it a ceramic crock with a lid--we have one that is just the right size with our logo on it available for purchase on our website: Good luck with your sourdough and happy baking! --Kye@KAF
February 3, 2015 at 11:44am
In reply to Silly question: what do you cover your starter with when it is … by Toni dileo (not verified)