Lots of helpful info here! I keep two starters, a rye one and a whole wheat one. I refrigerate them and remove & feed one before baking with it. Reading these posts, it occurs to me that maybe I only need to keep one starter, say the rye one, and feed it up for a couple of days with whole wheat flour if I want a wheat bread, or with rye flour if I want a rye bread. Would that work? If I wanted to make a bread with unbleached white flour, could I just feed my rye or whole wheat stater for awhile with white flour beforehand? Thanks!
You are absolutely on the right track. You don't need to always maintain 3 starters. You can keep your basic starter around and feed it appropriate flour to the recipe you'll be making. Starters love whole wheat and rye flours, so you'll have great flavor all the time, and a very healthy starter. ~MJ
August 11, 2013 at 5:23pm