I received a starter from my friend but it is about 2 3/4 oz. I don’t have enough for a discard. I fed it this morning with equal parts water, start and flour using a scale and now waiting to see what it does. I have a question. Do I keep it out on the counter and feed it again tomorrow if it bubbles? I don’t have enough to discard and make bread. If it rises, then do I discard tomorrow? I’m confused as to how to proceed with so little of a start. I’m using your organic unbleached flour and hoping for the best. Thanks for your help.
August 14, 2023 at 3:08pm
I received a starter from my friend but it is about 2 3/4 oz. I don’t have enough for a discard. I fed it this morning with equal parts water, start and flour using a scale and now waiting to see what it does. I have a question. Do I keep it out on the counter and feed it again tomorrow if it bubbles? I don’t have enough to discard and make bread. If it rises, then do I discard tomorrow? I’m confused as to how to proceed with so little of a start. I’m using your organic unbleached flour and hoping for the best. Thanks for your help.