Thanks for the great post, PJ! I tried making sourdough starter by another method last week with no luck. I gave your method a try on Monday evening(4:00pm) after coming home from work. 24 hours later I had a rise of 1/4", so was very excited! I made the amazing waffles from this site with my discard. Last night, about 6 hours after feeding for the second time (day 2), the started had increased by half, so I am thrilled. This morning at 4am was half way through day 2. When I got up at 7, I noticed the starter had fallen since last night, by about 1/2 of the increased amount. When I checked on it at 10am, it had fallen even more, and is now about 1/4" above my rubber band. It had tons of bubbles. Is this normal? Should I start the twice daily feelings today at 4pm, or is it vigorous enough for me to begin those now? Has it fallen because it is "hungry"? I am new to sourdough starter, so would appreciate any helpful advice you could give. I apologize in advance if you already answered this question earlier in this post. I tried to read the responses that looked relevant, but this is an extremely popular post, so I didn't get through all of them. Thanks!
April 15, 2015 at 1:27pm