Ugh! I knew I must have misread something. I am on day 4 of my starter. I kept thinking at each feeding, how does discarding 4 oz of starter and adding 4 oz each of water and flour in any way maintain the total volume? I've been growing it in a 4 cup measuring cup, and as of this morning's feeding there is not enough room for it to double. I reread and realized my mistake. Only the first time do you discard 4 oz. Every other time you discard all BUT 4 oz. DOH! Or rather DOUGH! I'm happy to say that, despite the extra volume, those yeasty beasties are thriving. I must have a lot of yeast floating around my kitchen from baking bread all the time. Well, looks like I'll have a lot to discard tonight. Or a lot of pancakes, waffles, etc. to make. :)
Thanks for sharing your learning opportunity for all sourdough bakers to learn from! Happy (sourdough) Baking! Irene @ KAF
May 8, 2012 at 8:47am