"J. J."

April 6, 2012 at 12:35pm

PJ thanks for the great article. You mention in a comment that you use the discard in recipes that call for flour/liquid. I know it depends on how thick or thin you keep you starter, but do you have a rule of thumb for how much you would use to substitute water and flour in a recipe? I.e., if a recipe calls for a cup of water, could I substitute a 1/2C of unfed starter? J.J., I figure starter is just about half liquid and half flour by weight; I realize as it ages the liquid starts to creep up, percentage-wise, but it's usually not critical enough that I worry about it too much when adding starter to a recipe. So, for any recipe using flour and water, you could use 1 cup of starter - which would be 4 ounces water (probably more like 5 ounces), and 2 ounces flour. Reduce the flour and water in your recipe by those amounts if you want to sub the starter. Does that make sense? PJH
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