I love these cookies! Nice, soft, chewy & tasty. The first batch I made came out perfect, not too spread out with nice crackly tops, a lot like the photo on the recipe page. Since then I have yet to make them so perfect, following the same recipe each time. They flatten out too much. I often use 1/2 white and 1/2 brown sugar, which I think I had done the first time. I'm a little over 5000 feet, so usually make a few adjustments, I just don't know if I did that for the first batch. I've tried baking at different temperatures, and still can't get the same texture as the first. For that first batch I used some old crystallized ginger that was quite dry. I've since purchased more, but it's not so dry. I've tried mincing it and drying it out ahead of time, but that hasn't helped. How can I make them not flatten out and remain crackly?If the ginger was dry the first time and they came out just right, that may indicate that you need to add a little more flour. Try 2-4 tablespoons and see it that makes a difference.
May 9, 2012 at 2:09pm