Fantastic. I have Bakewell Cream at home but I need to check the expiration date, otherwise will have to compile a new KAF catalog order (so sad!). By the way, I have to ask this.....I have the KAF rolling mat, which I love love love, but I noticed you are using a metal biscuit cutter and metal bench knife in the photos. I've always been afraid to do that for fear of cutting the mat - do you have a secret? Just less pressure? And while we are on the subject, when I store my mat I roll it up between two old kitchen towels to keep it from sticking to itself.
You should be fine cutting gently with a bench knife and the cutters, but I would avoid using a knife. ~AmyI'm always REALLY careful to bear down GENTLY when cutting on the silicone mat - firm enough to get to and through the bottom of the dough, but no firmer than that. Tanks for the towel tip! PJH
October 5, 2011 at 11:54am