There are a few things you could do: get a custom cutter made and stamp the crackers before you bake them, leaving the indentation in the dough. Etsy would be a great source for a custom made 3D cookie cutter. If you're going for volume, this method might be most efficient. You could also try using a tiny stencil and brush, then painting each one before baking with the stencil, using cocoa blended with a bit of vodka to make a thinnish paste. A third option would be having a small metal stamp made, and literally branding each cracker. I'd try it both before and after baking to see which works better. Good luck and happy baking! Laurie@KAF
July 9, 2015 at 2:07pm
In reply to great cracker recipes, thanks I am trying to monogram a cracke… by Steven Myers (not verified)