Ricardo Neves Gonzalez - Petrópolis, RJ- BRAZIL

June 10, 2011 at 1:19pm

WOWWWW!!! this shoulder´s pork meat is one of Brazilian´s favorites...WE LOVE A LOT!! here is really comon at many portuguese style bars that exists at any corners or streets. We call here ´SANDUÍCHE de LOMBINHO `....DELICIOUSSSS Here is usual to fill 2 slices of french bread with only that smooth pork shoulders with nothing more, maybe some butter added. And all we Brazilians LOVE this sandwich A LOT. Now i´ll try this new version you give to us! Surely DELICIOUS toooo P.J., i´m opening a new business here. A small Artisan Bread Bakery that will be ready on 2 weeks. I´ll send pictures of my small Bakery when i´ll be there at hard work with my wife and little son Renzo...!!!!!!! Wait until thereeeee!!! Best of luck with your bakery, Ricardo - I look forward to seeing some pictures. Post them on our community, if you could - I'm sure everyone would be interested... PJH
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