This looks super completely and totally awesome! And thanks, we really do appreciate having the options for ingredients - in my case I have no choice but to make things the hard way because my daughter is allergic to the two most common additives in the specialty stuff - soy and corn derivatives like dextrose. Otherwise I'd be all over them!
And here's my attempt at alphabet pie. (There are so many yummy options, it's impossible to include them all.)
Apple, Bumbleberry (one of my favorites, but can't leave out Black bottom pie), Cherry, Derby pie, Eggnog chiffon (YUM), Flan custard pie, Grasshopper pie, Hazelnut maple pie/tart, Ice cream pie (I go for peppermint), Jello pie (color tailored for the occasion), Key lime pie, Lemon chiffon pie (another favorite), Marionberry pie, Nesselrode pie (which you can't get anymore), Orange meringue pie (good for those who don't like it so tart as lemon), Pumpkin and Pecan pies, Quebec sugar pie (maple version), Raisin pie, Strawberry chiffon and Shaker lemon pies (can't decide which is better), Transparent pie, Upside down pie (gotta be apple for me), Vinegar pie, Walnut pie (I don't suppose whoopie pies count?), well I'm stumped on 'X' unless I change languages or use a cheat word; Yam pie (a sweet potato by any other name would taste as creamy), Zucchini pie (tastes just like apple)!
Hi Eleyana,
Tell me more about Transparent Pie, I've never heard of it.? ~ MaryJane
May 13, 2011 at 12:54pm