I have read and re-read KA instructions for feeding (and discarding) sourdough starter and continue to be confused. Perhaps this is because before purchasing the KA starter I used a starter handed down from family. The thing is I never have a cup of starter left when I am finished baking. I purchased the KA starter several months ago and have baked and fed it many times and gone back to KA Sourdough tips to re-read the instructions. I even called and talked to a KA employee. Then I get even further concerned when I read more talk about discarding sourdough starter as in this blog. Here is how I have managed my starter over the past 20 years: Remove from refrigerator, stir and allow to come to room temperature. Feed starter and leave at room temperature for 8 - 10 hours. REMOVE 1 CUP FED STARTER AND RETURN TO REFIGERATOR. Now I can use the remaining starter for baking without worrying about having some left to put in the refrigerator. Immediately I bake items that require fed starter, then if I have left over starter the next day I can either bake items which utilize unfed starter or discard the remaining starter. Really - this is driving me crazy, is there any benefit to one method or the other?
Sourdough is a huge subject, with so many variables... Bottom line, whatever works for you is the way to go. There is absolutely right or wrong. Let me stress this: there's no right or wrong way to deal with sourdough. Short of killing it, which would probably be considered "wrong," each of us takes care of sourdough in our own chosen way, a way that works for our lifestyle and baking preferences. Even within King Arthur, each of us approaches sourdough slightly differently. For instance, one of my fellow bakers is appalled that I leave my starter for months without feeding it; he feeds his every day. Mine works for me; his works for him. So, my suggestion is relax; do what you've always done with your sourdough; and if you want to make a change for some reason, go ahead, try it, and see what happens. ALL good. PJH
May 23, 2011 at 1:42pm