Amy Yeung

July 16, 2017 at 4:27pm

In reply to by gaitedgirl (not verified)

Why is it the biscotti becomes crumbling when I slice them? When to splitz the dough with water before the 1st bake or after? Do I need to sift the flour to make it becomes more crunchy? I don't understand what it meant by slicing it outside edge to the inside edge, where is the outside edge and where is the opposite edge? Is it too many times sifting of the flour makes the dough breaks open wide and it will crumble as a result? I usually bake start with the temperature of 325F for 30 minutes, I take it out and cool it or 5 to 10 minutes, I then put them back continues to bake for 10 minutes, take them out and turn them over and put them back to back for another 5 to 10 minutes. Am I doing the right thing? Recently, doesn't matter how hard I tried , it still breaks widely open after the first bake and make it difficult to slice, all were broken into small chunks. Please kindly advise.
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