Ricardo Neves Gonzalez - FMP-FASE - Petrópolis, RJ, BRAZIL

December 13, 2010 at 9:03am

Hi PJ, as you know i begun my bread baking after a riverflood destroyed a pet-shop i owned for 23 years here in Petrópolis, Brazil. Then i´d started my baker business to save money to my daily needs, after that bad losses. And one of the things i most solded were those biscuits, those appetizers for pets. And what surprise you gave to those who have pets in house!!!!!! Certainly they´ll love the treats from PJ´S RECIPE!!!!! HOW I WISH TO BE BORNED A PET!!!!!! NICE POST! Ricardo, I'm SO glad you weren't born a dog - or any pet - because then you would never have been able to connect with us here, all the way from Brazil! But if you know anyone with a pet, pass this along - crumbled up, I'm betting even the cats would go for these... :) PJH
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