OK, this is a bit off topic, but still related...............not paying attention to WHERE you store your baked goods. I had just made a batch of strawberry meringue cookies (the egg white kind). After they cooled I put them in a ziploc baggie and set them on the counter. The next day I took them to work and they tasted just like, um, B.O. (sorry, not trying to be gross, but these cookies were completely inedible). I couldn't figure out what the deal was until I got home and noticed that I had put the bag of cookies next to a little plastic baggie of curry powder (like you get at the bulk bins). Mind you, I did not put curry IN the cookies; rather the curry funk had transferred through the two plastic bags and tainted the cookies. I love curry dishes, but curry plus strawberry meringue does NOT equal deliciousness!!
Wow, that's some curry powder! Susan
September 14, 2010 at 9:47am