These sound wonderful (what KAF recipe doesn't?) and I've printed the recipe to make. That PRINTING thing brings up my question. Are the blog recipes usually taken from your cookbooks? I have all your cookbooks and would like to be more earth-friendly by not printing every recipe I see here, but the books are in one place and the computer in another and I'm, well ok, too lazy to run downstairs and look in the indexes of all the books, not to mention if you've changed the name slightly I'll never find it. Easier to print it, but that now means in additional to all the cookbooks, I have a HUGE stack of printouts! So, if they do come from your cookbooks, might it be possible to tell us which one somewhere in the receipe? Many thanks in advance! Usually they are new recipes- not from the cookbooks. Enjoy! Mary@KAF
August 7, 2010 at 11:45am