PJ, how do you store your starters at KA? I've always just put the remaining starter in the refrigerator, and left it until I want to use it again. Then, I take it out either the night before, or very early the day I want to use it, and feed the starter.
Lately, I've been reading that some people leave their starters out, and feed them twice a day. I've been baking bread with mine for the first time. Prior to that, I only made pancakes or waffles. The starter I ordered from KA is very active, so much so that I do have to stir it down once just after I put it in the fridge.
I'm just curious if I'm feeding it enough to bake bread. I notice Bonnie says she only uses hers once a week, too.
I'm a neglectful parent, Sharon - I feed my starter about once every 3 months, if that! The rest of the time it sits in the back of the fridge. When I do neglect it like that, it helps to feed it twice, a day apart; revs it right up again. If you keep it out and keep feeding it and using it, it'll become very active; good for people who want to make sourdough with no added yeast. I just don't bake sourdough that often. Either way is fine - whatever works for you. PJH
May 10, 2010 at 5:30pm