I collect pysanky but have never tried to make one. That purple one is really, really lovely.
I have made cake stencils from overhead transparencies--same idea as the report covers above. I traced around my favorite Xmas tree cutter, enlarged it and copied onto the transparency. It is now big enough to stencil (with colored sugar) onto a 9x13 frosted cake, then wash and use again.
My mom once took a Halloween witches-broom cutter and squeezed it into a lacrosse stick. And last week I took a 75-cent rocking-horse cutter and tugged it into a ragged triangle to make a volcano. My son's preschool is studying volcanoes on Monday, when it's his turn to bring snacks. Your Oatmeal Cutout cookies (or maybe those chocolate ones, you've given me an idea) with a little red-and-orange frosting lava, and voila! Maybe then I'll give these gorgeous egg cookies a try. Thanks!
My goodness, all that creativity, you should try pysanky. The basics are easy, and then practice, practice, practice!
~ MaryJane
March 17, 2010 at 9:16pm