Todd March

January 24, 2012 at 2:01pm

This is by far the best Chicago deep dish recipe I have found. I have tried several (mainly we are talking crust recipes), and this one comes out great and buttery and slightly biscuit like (like my favorite Chicago type pizza) every time. I perfected my Naples style Neapolitan in a wicked hot (800F) oven, and make great regular take out style pizza, but Chicago have been tricky. This recipe really does nail that cornmeal-butter crust so popular with many in Chicago. Kudos to PJH for the great work on excellent recipe! I make it with sausage and bell peps and onions and mushrooms (veggies sautéed first to remove water), and the end result is delicious! My Californian friends love this pizza—most have never had this sort of Chicago pizza, but they really enjoy it. A winner! Todd, thanks so much for sharing your success (and enthusiasm!) here - much appreciated. Now I WANT A PIECE OF PIZZA... :) PJH
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