I would not use PAM on your mold. The propellants used in that stuff would most likely penetrate the mold and be difficult to get out. I used to use it on my teflon pans and there was always a sticky residue around the edges. I think Alton Brown discussed the down sides to using the stuff in one of his episodes of Good Eats.
Could I make this without the ginger? I tasted crystalized ginger once and it burned so badly I thought my tongue would fall off. It left me with a bad taste in my mouth for the stuff (groan). Any suggestions for sustitutions? Thanks.
If ginger is not to your liking, pick your favorite flavor or extract and have at it. I didn't have any ginger left in my pantry, I made this up over the weekend with the zest of an orange and 1/2 a lemon. Frank @ KAF.
December 21, 2009 at 9:59am