This recipe is an abomination. *Real* Key Lime Pies *never* use a graham cracker crust and *only* have meringue.
What you have made, if it has a name, should be "Graham Cracker Disappointment Fest". Fortunately you went easy on the green, though you went heavy on the disappointment.
When this pie became a "thing", people in the Keys had no money. That's why, when the egg yolks were used for the filler, the whites were used for the meringue. That's why you would get your limes from the tree in your back yard (NOT a bottle). That's also why the pie crusts were the cheapo Winn-Dixie (or worse, U-Tote-M!) 2 for $0.99 pre-made frozen pie crusts.
In short, please stop defiling the memories of our departed Conch Republic ancestors with your vile, inauthentic, carpet-bagging, cloyingly sugary nonsense.
One suspects that you would like an Applebee's version of conch fritters.
October 2, 2018 at 2:51am