I recently bought Two-bite scones in a grocery store. Perfect for a car trip, its easier to handle and drive with a scone in one hand than a larger scone would be. I like the idea of a glaze to extend the life span of the scone.
I've made scone shapes by forming small circles then cutting into fourths. This might be easier than getting out a rolling pin. I think I'll try a whole wheat variant of this and report back to you. I could bake a more liquid dough in a large muffin tin and then cut in fourths; or do a drop scone shape and cut into wedges. I find whole wheat scone things require more liquid than white flour scones and so can't be handled as easily. How much does a two-bite scone weigh?
Sorry, not sure how much it weighs. and it would vary a bit, depending on how careful you were in cutting. And how much "add in" you added. I'd guesstimate a scant 1 ounce? PJH
June 16, 2009 at 6:10pm