My Grandma Schroeder, who sold her homemade bakery in her St. Paul, MN neighborhood to help earn money to take care of her family of 12!!! kids, passed her recipe down to her daughter-in-law, my Mother. She didn't skimp on the frosting by making a cross. In fact, the fight was on many years later between my Dad and one of his sisters about the placement of the frosting. Dad said his Mom just frosted the bun straight across while they were still in the pan. My Aunt Deets, said Grandma turned them out, leaving them intact and upside down, and generously frosted the bottom. As a person who believes that the buns are merely a vehicle for getting the frosting into my mouth, I keep the frosting in a separate container and frost each one to perfection just before I eat it. Yum.
To each his own, right, Suzanne? And nowhere is that truer than with baking... Happy Easter - enjoy those hot cross buns! PJH
March 30, 2012 at 4:36pm