Just wondering if you have any idea if this dough could be adapted to calzones. Since it's so wet, I'm wondering if it can be separated into smaller portions, rolled out, and folded over the filling in the same way as normal calzone dough.
I know you'll say to try it and let you know the results - and I will! :-) - but I just wondered if you had any initial thoughts.
I think it would be fine, Jane - just keep everything well-floured at first, when the dough is really sticky.
Boy, you recognize my style -"Try it and see." Really, we're pretty good bakers here at King Arthur, but there's no way I or anyone else can pre-test and verify every variation folks want to pursue. As a baking community here, online, we need to teach each other. Thus - "Try it and see and let us know how it came out." :) PJH
February 18, 2009 at 11:43pm