I made these last night for Valentines Day dinner for my wife. They turned out just perfectly. I used the stove top instead of the microwave just to have a bit more control. Ghiradelli chocolate chips. After the dinner that I made her ( fillets, lobster tail with butter and garlic, roasted asparagus with hollidaise, baked sweet potatoes ) these brownies were a perfect simple desert. Without a doubt the best brownies that I have ever made. Well done, PJ!
Thank you for letting others know you don't have to use the microwave for the butter/sugar part of this recipe. Your variation in technique may help others who are having trouble with that step. Irene at KAF
Hey John, when are you making dinner for the rest of us? Sounds like you and your lovely lady had a great day. ~MaryJane
February 15, 2009 at 12:19pm