I want to make these but my question is this: I really hate coffee. Can't stand it. I made the whole grain chocolate lava cake (from the kaf whole grain cookbook, which I LOVE) and topped it with coffee instead of hot water, as suggested, and I hated it. The coffee flavor was there. It said it intensify the flavor & meld, but ick. The cake was lovely, no grainy-ness, it was wonderful, but then the coffee flavor hit.
So.....question is: will I taste the expresso powder? I'd hate to make these and not like them.
Also, I have made the fudgy brownies from one of the kaf cookbooks, and holy cow were they outstanding to the nth degree!! I made the macaroon topping for them and they were to die for!
You don't taste the espresso powder - it simply heightens the flavor of the chocolate. I've never heard anyone say these brownies tasted like coffee or espresso, so Bridgid, try and see for yourself. PJH
February 12, 2009 at 12:04pm