I've made this recipe twice. While it is a LOT of work, my two batches of Baby Bagels were probably the ONLY legitimate bagels in Oregon those weeks. The are Great, genuine and a reasonable, homemade version of the real New York/ (or L.A.) thing. For to make, eat and to gift, I now understant why one cannot buy a genuine bagel in Oregon! They are labor-intensive and then some. To achieve a decent return on such a wonderful product, one would have to charge $3. The $3 bagel won't fly in in rural Oregon, no matter how good it is. I'll make them at home and offer them to a few guests. Thank you. -Cedarglen
Yes, they are a bit time-consuming with the steaming. But there's really no other good way to get that distinctive texture. Thanks for being devoted enough to keep this tradition going... PJH
January 21, 2010 at 8:30pm