I have removed all possible variables and bought a bag of Pre-mix Crusty White Bread. 10 kg for under $19.00 including yeast. Measure the yeast and mix, then add water. Baked in my Pullman loaf tin the bread come out perfect with oven at 200 C (by thermometer) baked for 30 minutes then lid off for 10 minutes. It did not quite fill the tin at the ends but it didn't collapse.
From the same mill company website I used their recipe for plain white bread from scratch with the same result. I compensated the amount so this time the loaf tin filled to produce a perfect loaf. What is different to my previous attempts using numerous "online" recipes?
Allowing the dough to ferment using only the carbs available in the flour produced exactly what I'm after. At first I though there must be an omission from the ingredient list. I checked the nutrition information on the packaging of the Bread Flour and the Premix expecting to find a discrepancy but it wasn't there. The added sugar must be the cause of the problem.
October 14, 2009 at 5:13pm