
February 12, 2010 at 1:39pm

Mine were very, very flat. I'm wondering if it's because I mixed the salt, baking powder, and vanilla up, then realized the butter wasn't soft enough yet. So my baking powder was wet for probably half an hour before I started mixing. Could that cause them to be flat? They looked the same as yours up until midway through the bake. My cookies really spread and were quite brown at 20 minutes, so I took them out. They're very crispy, caramelized almost, and very, very flat. They're delicious, though. I would call these more like Pepperidge Farm Bodeaux cookies rather than Genevas, but since I love Bordeaux that's cool. I think I'll order the baker's ammonia and try that, plus in case it was the too-early-wet baking powder, I'll make sure my butter is soft before adding the vanilla. Yes, the baking powder is activated first by the liquid, then by the heat of the oven. When you added the butter, it pushed the initial relaese of gas out. So you only had about 50% strength left for the oven. Frank @ KAF.
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