I just got my KA starter and made a loaf of rustic sourdough bread this weekend. Delicious! I can't decide if I want to try this chocolate cake or the extra-tangy bread next :)
I have a question about the starter. The instructions for use say to remove one cup, feed 1 c flour and 1/2 c water, wait 4-12 hours, use fed starter, then feed again before refrigerating. What's the significance of that second feeding? Is it just to maintain the volume of starter? Or for some other reason? The reason I ask is that I typically make small batches of things... one loaf of bread instead of two, etc. So I'd only need 1/2 c starter for most recipes. If the second feeding is just to maintain the volume of the starter, then could I skip it when I start getting more starter than I need? Thanks!
Yes, Anastasia, to maintain volume. And yes, you can skip that second feeding, if you're OK with the volume of your starter diminishing. Enjoy - PJH
November 17, 2008 at 2:50pm