PJ - While babysitting my grandson, I was reading through my daughter's copy of the KA All Purpose Baking Book. I was glad to see that you were such a driving force for it. I looked at the sourdough waffle recipe, and the weights didn't seem right. It said a cup of starter was 16 oz, but I have been using 8 oz as a weight. It also seems to say the buttermilk weight was different than what was shown in the front of the book. Was that corrected later? Also, the section on sourdough starter indicates using 8 oz of flour and 8 oz of water when feeding, different than we do now. Is the one I saw an older edition and corrections have been made? Did you change the ratios for starters after the book was written etc. I didn't get a chance to look at it for long, but know what I want for Christmas now. Thanks - Ron
Ron, there were indeed some corrections made in subsequent printings. I think your best bet is to call our customer service folks, 800-827-6836, and ask for the "errata sheet" that goes with the KA Baker's Companion cookbook. In the meantime, I'll take a look at it, too, see if it includes what you mention above. Thanks for your kind words - and thanks for your eagle-eyed input! PJHHi again, Ron - I found out the sourdough waffle corrections are on an errata sheet, available simply by calling customer service at 800-827-6836. It should be 2 cups (16 ounces) buttermilk and 1 cup (8 ounces) starter. You can feed your starter either way you like - 1 cup to 1 cup by volume, or equal parts by weight. You'll eventually get a thinner starter if you feed using the volume method. I prefer the 1/2 cup (4 ounces) water/1 cup (4 ounces) flour feeding. Hope this helps - PJH
November 13, 2009 at 2:52pm