I have enjoyed making sourdough so much! However, I noticed that the instructions say to revive the starter within 24 hours of receiving it. Mine came as a Christmas gift, so it was not revived for several days (10 days, maybe?)
after it initially arrived from KAF. We love the soft, dense inside and crusty outside, but wonder if waiting this long harmed it in some way. Not sure it is as "puffy" as it should be when it rises.
Helen, so long as you got it going, it's fine; the extra wait didn't hurt it long-term. Once your starter is activated, it takes on its own characteristics, according to how it's fed and where it lives and how you use it. Just keep practicing with your bread - the more you bake, the more you learn. Enjoy! PJH
February 3, 2013 at 7:42pm