We're guessing you're wondering about using shortening instead of melted butter, which is sometimes called for in waffle recipes. The overall effect won't be too drastic since there's typically just a few tablespoons of butter (or oil) called for in waffle recipes. However, based on our findings here, we'd guess that the waffles might be slightly crispier when shortening is used, though they may not have quite as rich or deep of a flavor. We sometimes use vegetable oil instead of butter in waffles when we're looking to create that crispy effect, so we think it's worth experimenting with shortening in your next weekend batch of waffles. We think you might be pleased with the results! Kye@KAF
September 22, 2018 at 11:31am
In reply to Hi! Whats’s the effect if I use it for waffle? by Isabel Ledesma (not verified)