If you’ve ever baked bread in a bread machine, then you know it’s easy: You just put everything into the loaf pan, choose your settings, hit start, and walk away. It's like a slow cooker, but for bread.
But the real question is ... can you make gluten-free bread in your bread machine?
You may be skeptical at first: Gluten-free dough develops differently than conventional dough, and gluten-free bread doesn’t use the same rise times as a traditional recipe. But not to worry: The Zojirushi Virtuoso bread machine has a gluten-free setting built right in, which addresses these concerns. Great gluten-free bread is possible with a bread machine.
Knowing that our Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread is always a winner, we put it to the test using a Virtuoso. And with just a couple of minor changes, it didn't disappoint! The bread was perfect, with just the right texture, a nice crust, and a soft interior.
And the best part? All we had to do was put everything into the machine and push a button.
So for those of you who've been wondering if a) our Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread can be made in a bread machine, or b) if gluten-free bread turns out just as delicious when made in a bread machine, the answer is a resounding yes!
We do have some tips for helping to ensure your bread machine yields that ultimate gluten-free loaf you're hoping for.
With our first test of Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread in the bread machine using the recipe as written, it lacked the dome that we look for in good sandwich bread. The texture and taste were still there, but the loaf was fairly flat across the top. So we tweaked and tweaked and found that adding about 3 tablespoons more gluten-free flour helped us get closer to the dome shape, without compromising the bread's texture, moistness, or flavor.
An extra egg helped give the bread a bit more lift. With the addition of the extra flour, we wanted to make sure the bread didn't dry out, but adding more milk wouldn't have helped us with structure or rise. So we added one more egg and found the results to be perfect.
This is so, so important. When the bread first comes out of the pan it will feel a little soft and under-baked. Have no fear; once you let it cool completely, the crust will harden and the inside will be soft and filled with perfect little air pockets.
And now it's time to bake! Here's are some quick step-by-step instructions on how to make gluten-free bread in your bread machine.
OK, now that you’ve baked a loaf, how did it turn out? Do you have any tips for baking gluten-free bread in a bread machine? If so, please let us know in comments, below!
November 6, 2023 at 4:20pm
In reply to I have an old bread machine … by Isabel carter (not verified)
Hi Isabel, if you want to make our Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread recipe and you don't have a bread maker with a gluten-free setting, we highly recommend using a stand mixer. If you don't have a stand mixer, we still have some good options for you. Our new Gluten-Free Bread flour, which is made with gluten-free wheat starch, is a game changer when it comes to gluten-free bread. We have a number of delicious gluten-free bread recipes you can make with it, no stand mixer or bread machine required.
October 28, 2023 at 6:58pm
Do you follow the instructions for the starter if using bread machine?
October 29, 2023 at 10:38am
In reply to Do you follow the… by Lyn (not verified)
Hi Lyn, I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but if you're referring to the Gluten-Free Sourdough Sandwich Bread recipe, we don't currently have instructions for making this recipe in the bread machine. If you'd like to try it (and if you have a gluten-free setting) you might want to use your bread machine for mixing and kneading and the first rise, and then place the batter in a greased pan and allow it to rise at room temperature before baking in your oven.
August 27, 2023 at 11:05am
What loaf size is selected for the bread machine?
August 27, 2023 at 11:49am
In reply to What loaf size is selected… by Ani (not verified)
Hi Ani, this recipe will make a loaf that is between 1 1/2 and 2 pounds, but if your machine has a 2-pound setting, I'd recommend using that.
April 23, 2023 at 9:13am
Bread looks great! Cant wait till it cools. How are you putting bread back into machine without the pan?
April 23, 2023 at 9:53am
In reply to Bread looks great! Cant wait… by Erika Rose (not verified)
Hi Erika, our blog post on producing successful loaves from your bread machine provides instructions for how to do this.
August 11, 2023 at 9:36pm
In reply to Hi Erika, our blog post on… by balpern
The link you have provided is not working. Could you please post the directions on this? Thank you
August 12, 2023 at 9:25am
In reply to The link you have provided… by Abbey (not verified)
Hi Abbey, I was able to fix the link to our successful loaves from your bread machine blog, and here are the directions provided in that blog post for placing the bread back in the machine without the pan:
As soon as your bread is done, remove the bucket from the machine, take out the bread (which will be easy, since the paddles aren't there to impede its progress), and gently set the loaf back into the machine, sans bucket. Note: While setting the loaf back into the machine without its bucket is a reasonable option with our Zojirushi machines, it may not work well in other brands' machines. Let experience with your own machine be your guide here.
Crack the lid open an inch or so, and let the bread cool right in the turned-off machine. The still-warm (but gradually cooling) air helps prevent moisture from condensing on your loaf's surface — no wrinkles!
April 17, 2023 at 12:49pm
Hi! I love the King Arthur gluten free bread and pizza mix but have found that I cannot use my bread machine to make it because it overflows. It is a 2 lb capacity machine and has a gluten free setting. What am I doing wrong?