Gluten-Free Cheese Biscuits made with baking mix

Recipe by Frank Tegethoff

These gluten-free cheese biscuits get their richness from cream and their savory flavor from cheese. As a bonus, they're quick to come together, thanks to our Gluten-Free All-Purpose Biscuit & Baking Mix. You can have warm gluten-free cheese biscuits on the table in a little over a half hour — they're perfect with eggs at breakfast. 

17 mins
16 to 18 mins
43 mins
6 to 8 biscuits
Gluten-Free Cheese Biscuits made with baking mix  - select to zoom
Gluten-Free Cheese Biscuits made with baking mix  - select to zoom
Gluten-Free Cheese Biscuits made with baking mix  - select to zoom
Gluten-Free Cheese Biscuits made with baking mix  - select to zoom


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  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F, with a rack in the middle.

  2. Measure the baking mix into a bowl.

  3. Stir the cheese, bacon, and scallion tops into the baking mix.

  4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and cream.

  5. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring until blended. The dough should be cohesive and sticky.

  6. Turn the dough out onto a work surface lightly dusted with baking mix and fold it over on itself four times.

  7. Pat the dough into a 6" x 8" rectangle about 3/4" thick.

  8. Cut rounds with a 2" to 2 1/2" cutter dipped in baking mix; brush any surplus mix off the tops of the biscuits.

  9. Place the biscuits on an ungreased or parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving 1" between them for crispier biscuits, or placing them close together (nearly touching) for soft-sided biscuits.

  10. Bake the biscuits for 16 to 18 minutes, until golden brown. Remove them from the oven and let them rest for 10 minutes or so before serving. These gluten-free cheese biscuits are best enjoyed slightly warm.

Tips from our Bakers

  • For drop biscuits or scones: Don't fold the dough or pat it out; simply drop it by the 1/3-cupful onto the ungreased baking sheet, and bake as directed. For scones, drop by the 1/3-cupful into the greased wells of a scone pan, and bake as directed.
  • Be aware: Some of your baking ingredients can be a hidden source of gluten. Learn more at our blog post: For gluten-free baking, think beyond just flour. For additional information on King Arthur-produced products, read the complete details of our allergen program, including our contact-prevention practices.