Classic Beignets

Beignets are a signature yeast-raised breakfast treat native to New Orleans. They're dusted heavily with confectioners' sugar and traditionally paired with incredibly strong black coffee laced with chicory.

25 mins
9 hrs 25 mins
30 beignets
Classic Beignets  - select to zoom
Classic Beignets  - select to zoom
Classic Beignets  - select to zoom
Classic Beignets


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  1. Combine all of the ingredients, and mix and knead them together — by hand, mixer or bread machine — until you've made a soft, smooth dough.

  2. Allow the dough to rise, covered, for 1 hour, or until it's puffy (though not necessarily doubled in bulk).

  3. Gently deflate the dough, and place it in a greased bowl or greased plastic bag, choosing a bowl or bag that will allow the dough to expand. Cover and refrigerate overnight, or for up to 2 days.

  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, and place it on a lightly greased or floured work surface; a silicone rolling mat works well here.

  5. Roll it into a 14" x 10" rectangle, squaring off the corners as well as you can without being overly fussy.

  6. Cut the dough into 2" squares.

  7. Pour the oil to a depth of at least 3/4" in a 10" electric fry pan (first choice), or a deep, heavy-bottomed 10" frying pan set over a burner.

  8. Heat the oil to 360°F, and drop 5 or 6 squares of dough into the hot oil. They'll sink to the bottom, then after about 5 seconds or so, rise to the top.

  9. Fry the beignets for 1 minute, then use a pair of tongs to turn them over. Fry for another minute, until the beignets are puffed and golden brown all over.

  10. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels.

  11. When the beignets are cool, sprinkle them heavily with confectioners' sugar. For a real New Orleans experience, serve with strong coffee.