Here at King Arthur's Baker's Hotline we hear a common lament from frugal sourdough bakers:
“Why do I have to throw out so much sourdough starter every time I feed it? Isn’t there a way to avoid all this waste?”
Our tried and true maintenance routine requires discarding a full cup (227g, 8 ounces) of starter each time you do a feeding and aren't planning to bake, which can add up to a lot! That's why we've devised so many great recipes that utilize sourdough starter discard. But what if you don't want to deal with the discard to begin with?
If you’ve found a good groove for feeding and maintaining your starter that gives you great results and creates little waste, this blog post may not be for you. But if you're drowning in discard and wondering why you couldn't just maintain less starter, read on!
To be honest, we weren't sure how low it was safe to go.
Our sourdough maintenance routine evolved out of the artisan baking world, where bakers have nurtured sourdough cultures and produced beautiful breads for centuries. In production baking, starter is primarily kept at room temperature and nourished through a course of feedings that build the starter to the amount needed for baking, with enough left over to feed and begin the process all over again.
This system works great if you're baking daily and using a lot of starter. But of course, that's not the way most of us bake sourdough at home.
I was recently lucky enough to take a sourdough class here at King Arthur with guest instructor Debra Wink. She's an accomplished microbiologist and devoted baker who's combined two passions by turning her microscope to the world of sourdough starters. Wink was able to provide some really helpful insight when it comes to maintaining a smaller sourdough starter. From her own research and hands-on experience, Wink has concluded that refrigeration isn't likely to cause any permanent harm to your sourdough starter. In fact, Wink revealed that she regularly refrigerates her starters and maintains them at just two ounces, rather than the more normal 12 or so ounces.
What, only two ounces?
If you’re like me, your sourdough brain may be feeling just a little blown.
As soon as I heard "two ounces," I went home and reduced the size of all six of my sourdough starters. (And if you're wondering why on earth anyone needs six different starters — you're right, there's no good reason.)
They did come in handy this time, though! I was able to test the smaller starter method on a variety of starters: liquid, stiff, rye, whole wheat, and even two different gluten-free starters.
Conclusion: I've been maintaining reduced versions of my starters for a few months now and everyone is happy and healthy.
And, believe me, I was overjoyed to discover that my starters could thrive on this reduced maintenance routine!
Note: For step-by-step directions in easily printable format, check out our recipe for maintaining a Smaller Sourdough Starter.
We’re going to keep the same ratio of ingredients as our regular liquid starter: equal parts by weight of starter, flour, and water. All we're doing is reducing each component to a much smaller quantity.
For this method, a digital scale really, really comes in handy. I can give you rough estimates for measuring by volume, but working with tablespoons of starter is messy and not very precise. So, take all that money you'll be saving in discarded flour and consider adding a scale to your baking toolbox.
Two ounces is equal to 57g, but for simpler calculations, I've rounded up to 60g. Not only will a scale make this process easier, but working in grams makes much more sense when working with such small quantities.
For 60g of starter: Save 20g (1 heaping tablespoon) starter and feed it 20g (4 teaspoons) water and 20g (2 tablespoons) flour.
If you decide to maintain a smaller sourdough starter, downsizing your tools can make the process much easier. Our regular sourdough crock is just too big for this little guy.
For our smaller starter, you'll need an 8-ounce canning jar or a similar-sized container. This jar will only be used for maintenance feedings. Be sure your jar has a wide mouth to make stirring easy.
Two identical jars can make the feeding process even easier. If you're weighing your ingredients you can tare the empty jar. If you're measuring by volume it will be easier to transfer the heaping tablespoon of starter to the clean jar.
You'll also need a larger container or bowl when it comes time to build the amount of starter you have in preparation for baking. Our sourdough crock could come in handy here, but I'd be wary of building more than 454g (16 ounces) of starter in this crock.
Mini spatulas and a mini-scoop can also make the feeding routine a lot easier.
While refrigeration may not harm your sourdough starter, it doesn't provide the necessary environment or nourishment to keep bacteria and yeast populations at optimal levels for baking.
If you're accustomed to storing your starter in the refrigerator and feeding weekly, then you know it's helpful to take your starter out of the refrigerator a day or two before you plan to bake and start feeding it twice daily at room temperature. These revival feedings at room temperature help bring your starter back to full vitality.
When maintaining our regular 12 ounces of starter, two or three such revival feedings can generate as much as 567g (20 ounces) of discard.
The real beauty of maintaining a smaller sourdough starter is that the revival feedings that are necessary after refrigeration are integrated into building the quantity of starter, with little or no discard generated along the way.
Say you want to make our Naturally Leavened Sourdough Bread recipe on Saturday. This recipe calls for a daunting 454g (16 ounces) of ripe sourdough starter. Here's how to prep your smaller starter to bake:
Feeding 1: Thursday night you'll take your 60g of starter out of the refrigerator and give it a normal feeding:
Feeding 2: Friday morning, rather than discarding, you'll begin building the quantity of your starter. You'll save all 60g and feed it with equal parts flour and water:
Feeding 3: Friday evening, you'll do the last feed/build before baking on Saturday morning:
Saturday morning you'll have enough starter for the recipe (454g), plus 86g leftover. You'll need 20g of that 86g remaining starter to feed and perpetuate.
This means you're only generating 66g of discard with this last build. If you include the 40g of discard from the first feeding, the total discard generated is only 106g (less than 1/2 cup).
And how does the bread turn out when you use this method? I tried it out, and the results were pretty darn nice.
Of course, there are various ways you can accomplish these builds, incorporating more or fewer feedings into the building process.
Keep in mind, if your starter has been stored in the refrigerator for several weeks or longer it's going to need more than just a few feedings to bring it back to full vitality before baking. For more on this, see our tips for reviving a neglected starter.
More room-temperature (70°F) feedings will lead to a more active starter, which will perform better in your baking. In particular, more feedings will contribute to a better rise. But what if you only have time for two feedings/builds before baking the bread recipe above? How do we get from 60g starter to 540g in two builds? And how will fewer feeding/builds affect our results?
Feeding 1: Friday morning, take your starter out of the fridge and begin building immediately, with no discard:
Feeding 2: Friday night, we continue to build the quantity of starter, again with no discard:
Saturday morning: You'll need 454g starter for the recipe and 20g to feed, leaving only 66g (about 1/4 cup) to discard!
But will our results suffer with only two feedings/builds?
Surprisingly, the results are just as nice as the bread that got three feedings/builds.
The results are even more surprising when I test our Pain Au Levain recipe with only one feeding prior to the overnight levain. Hardly the lackluster loaf I was expecting!
If more feedings lead to better rising bread, why don't my results bear this out?
Takeaway: A few midweek room-temperature feedings may help improve the vitality of your starter, allowing it to recharge more quickly later in the week.
Reducing the amount of starter you maintain can really revolutionize your sourdough baking routine. We're sure you'll have lots of questions, so please don't hesitate to ask them below! And if you've already taken the leap to a smaller starter, we'd love to hear about your experiences and results!
For a recipe to follow along, as well as easy printing, see our recipe page for A Smaller Sourdough Starter.
Many thanks to Debra Wink for inspiring us to try maintaining a smaller sourdough starter.
January 14, 2022 at 2:35pm
In reply to I’ve been maintaining a 60… by Cassy (not verified)
Hi Cassy, we never argue with success! We're glad to hear that you've found a feeding routine that works well for you!
April 12, 2022 at 1:24pm
In reply to I’ve been maintaining a 60… by Cassy (not verified)
I am with you on this. I have been baking with my (home built) starter for 15+ years. (Before than I maintained a “biga” from batch to batch: I try to avoid commercial yeast). I was intimidated by starter for a long time because its care made it sound so fragile.
It is not. It is amazing stuff. I think of the CA gold rush 49-ers who slept with their starter; our ancestors who baked with starter for centuries— they for sure didn’t have spare flour to wantonly chuck. So when I started my own I figured, it has to deal with how I live or it will never work for me.
And it has thrived, only getting more sturdy thru the years.
I bake once a week or so, depending on how many people are around to eat my bread. Now that my kids are more gone than here it is sometimes every 8-10 days. I store it in my fridge between-times. When we need bread, I take it out, feed it with the doubling routine (water and flour equal in weight to the starter itself). It sits on my counter, then, until it is clearly happy and bubbling. (The time required varies depending if it is winter or summer temps in my kitchen-)
I take the amount I store (about 3-4 ounces) and stick it right back in the fridge and use *all the rest of the fed starter* to bake with. Right away. No extra feedings. No discard. (The only time I have discarded is on the exceedingly rare occasions I am totally away from home for 2.5 to 3 weeks: when I might chuck some before I start feeding. And those are the only times I might do two build-it-up type feedings (with no further discard) before baking with it.).
I let my starter talk to me- it’s obvious if it is happy (or unhappy- super rare). When it is crabby I just build it gradually and then fridge my 3-4 ounces in a just-fed state and bake with the rest. I know this wouldn’t work for everyone, but I do think the multiple feedings and babying processes are unnecessary- and sometimes intimidating to the baker who is new to sourdough. But KA’s point- we figure out what works for us- is an excellent one.
The great thing is we get to eat our learning process results :)
April 14, 2022 at 8:14pm
In reply to I’ve been maintaining a 60… by Cassy (not verified)
Hi, Cassy, I do the same! ONE feeding after the fridge! Just take out what you need, feed / use every two weeks. I experimented with only one feeding after taking out of the fridge, and it looked so perfectly ripe, I didn't have the heart to not use it. I also increase the starter by using either a 1:2 ratio, or 1:3 ratio—depending on how cool it is in my kitchen overnight. Looks like you use a little over 1:2.
July 10, 2021 at 8:32pm
I'm looking for the small wooden handled red spatulas that appear in the picture of the sour dough starter.
July 11, 2021 at 9:14am
In reply to I'm looking for the small… by Donna Pidgeon (not verified)
Hi Donna, we aren't currently selling the little spatulas, but you can find them elsewhere online. Lately I've been using a similar sized spatula that is entirely made of silicone, so it's super easy to clean. Our small spreaders might also do the trick.
March 28, 2021 at 6:42pm
If I’m keeping my starter in the fridge and feeding once a week, do I need to let the starter come to room temperature before feeding it too, or do I just feed it cold and let it sit for 3-4 hours and then put it back?
March 29, 2021 at 3:53pm
In reply to If I’m keeping my starter in… by Alex Townsley (not verified)
Hi Alex, I normally feed my starter right away when I take it out of the refrigerator because the room temperature flour and lukewarm water you feed it will help warm in up. The more critical timing has to do with the time after feeding, since it's important to make sure that the starter has the opportunity to start bubbling and fermenting before you return it to the refrigerator. 3-4 hours should be sufficient for this to happen, but let your starter be your guide.
March 3, 2021 at 11:13am
How can I make sourdough taste a bit more like sourdough?
March 5, 2021 at 11:36am
In reply to How can I make sourdough… by Nancy Nemitz (not verified)
Hi Nancy, sourdough flavor development is a complex subject because so many factors can influence flavor throughout the bread making process, and quite a bit is happening on the microscopic level. Here at King Arthur we've been learning a lot from microbiologist and sourdough baker, Debra Wink, who teaches as a guest instructor in our Baking School.
According to Debra Wink, maintaining a healthy and active starter that is fed regularly and consistently will offer the best chance at achieving a great rise and flavor in your bread. This will ensure healthy populations of both wild yeast and friendly bacteria that will be capable of doing the work involved when it comes time to bake your bread.
It's during the preferment and dough stages of development that you can direct your "workers" in the flavor direction you prefer, although it's difficult to give you a simple if you do A, you will achieve B (sour flavor) type formula.
Things that tend to contribute more sour flavor:
1. Substituting 10-15% whole rye or whole wheat flour for some of the white flour in the dough portion of the recipe. Rye flour, in particular, tends to deliver more sour flavor, but may also contribute to a denser structure.
2. Allowing adequate warm room temperature (78-80 degrees) bulk rise time before refrigerating the shaped loaf. This warm bulk rise will allow for enough bacteria development (which is the major contributor when it comes to flavor). The bacteria will slow down considerably when it hits the refrigerator, but refrigeration can affect the ratio of acetic acid in relation to lactic acid, which may further influence flavor.
3. Using a preferment or starter that is slightly past its peak of rising when added to the recipe. A liquid preferment tends to contribute to more sour flavor than a stiff preferment.
Here are a few recipes that tend to deliver more sour flavor: Pain de Campagne, No Knead Sourdough Bread, and Vermont Sourdough.
I hope this helps! Let us know how it goes.
February 8, 2021 at 1:11pm
Hi Barb, I am noticing about day 4 of my new starter that I'm getting a dry film or crust over the top of my starter by the feeding time. This started after putting it in the oven with the light on overnight to try to keep it warm enough, I think it was too warm, I have not continued to use the oven but the dry top continues. (I do discard the top and don't mix it back in to the starter) Today is day 7 by the way. I think my house gets down to about 68 or 69 deg at night. Is this normal?