Do you know where your food comes from?
The farm to table movement has made us all more aware of eating good food – food that's minimally processed, hasn't traveled halfway around the world (and back again) to grace our tables, and whose raising has been kind to the environment.
But how often do you really know where your food comes from – unless you're shopping at farmers' markets, or growing/raising it yourself?
Without further ado, let us introduce you to King Arthur Golden Wheat Flour – now milled from identity-preserved wheat.
Available now (or soon) in your local supermarket, this identity-preserved (IP) flour is produced from wheat grown within 200 miles of its Kansas mill.
The wheat growers are farmers we know and trust. Members of a local farmers' cooperative, we've been working with many of them for years. They grow the golden wheat and deliver it to the mill, where it's ground into flour and packed in our King Arthur bags.
From there it's an easy train ride to the warehouses serving your local supermarkets.
But this traceable path from field to flour isn't all that distinguishes our IP golden wheat. We've also worked with our farmers to ensure that the wheat is top quality – grown from certified seed, approved both for its optimum performance in the field, and its bakeability in your kitchen.
The wheat is grown using responsible farming methods. Through crop rotation and the use of cover crops; using low-water irrigation methods and not tilling (to reduce erosion), the farmers are good stewards of their land. Which means the land will be fertile for generations to come – producing the food that feeds us all.
Today is Earth Day. What better way to celebrate than to say a heartfelt thank you to our American farmers – and to welcome King Arthur identity-preserved golden wheat flour to your kitchen.
Purchase golden wheat flour online now.
Start baking with golden wheat flour in your favorite recipes.
Our thanks to King Arthur Flour's Julia Reed for the photos accompanying this blog post.