Cheesecake, oh cheesecake,
You make my mouth smile with every bite I take.
Just thinking of you, I’m practically sitting in a lake (of drool…)
A big slice of New York-style right when I wake,
Or creamy, sweet, Divine Chocolate that will make my knees shake.
Whip up some ultra-Easy Cheesecake, so you can get your fix even during an Earth…quake.
Time to get to the kitchen; I’ve got some creamy goodness to bake.
This poem is finally over, that was almost more than I could take –
My impulsive freestyle rhyme, my ode to beloved cheesecake.
If this blog were being written by myself to all of my co-workers, I could leave the whole thing blank. They all know my deep, abiding love for all things cheesecake. But instead, I gifted you all that cringe-worthy poem. It came straight from the heart. You're welcome!
There are so many reasons why cheesecake rocks my world, and there are probably more that you all could name that I didn’t think of. I’ll give you my top five, and let you take it from there.
Maybe not entirely true. Actually, that’s mostly an exaggeration.
But it’s certainly on the top of the list of things to eat whenever I go. Thick, creamy, and unbelievably rich, New York Cheesecake is one of those desserts that falls under the “my eyes are bigger than my stomach” category. I refuse to share, but halfway through the enormous slice served up on my plate, I always run out of steam.
A perk of homemade? You can slice whatever size you want (but trust me, start small!) Our delicious recipe includes a bit of lemon zest to add a bright note and balance out the cheesy tang.
With a bottom layer of cheesecake filling, the first slice of this seemingly traditional pumpkin pie turns into an event. No one expects the sweet surprise inside, but they're certainly happy that it’s there. Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie, everyone. It pleases all the senses.
It would appear that way.
Divine because it is. Velvet because every mouthful is smooth, smooth, smooth. Divine Chocolate Velvet Cheesecake, like your little-black-dress dessert. It classes up any occasion. Tastes pretty darned amazing, too!
You can dress it simple. You can dress it up fancy. You don’t have to dress it up at all (risqué!)
Let’s keep it PG, folks.
Sometimes a dessert this good does deserve to be dressed to the nines. Robed in gold(en caramel) with jewel-encrusted slippers (delicious pecans in the crust). Fancy, fancy. Caramel Pecan Cheesecake is a not-so-subtle way to amp up the classic. You almost have to say it snootily, with your pinky in the air: Cahr-mel Peh-cahn. Delish.
This Easy Cheesecake is simpler than simple. And it makes a smaller amount than all of the recipes listed above, in the off chance you were hoping to be a bit kinder to your waistline, while still satisfying your cheese-tooth.
You don’t need to tell your family and friends that this dessert was such a cinch. What they don’t know just makes you look even better. I think all that praise might just call for another slice!
Once you bake, devour, and enjoy these cheesecakes, take a moment to rate and review them. Don't be shy, shout your love for this classic delight all over the recipe section.
And as always, share a slice or two with your loved ones. There are many other recipes for this creamy dessert on our site; search "cheesecake" on our recipe page. You won't be disappointed!