Hi Carla, when you don't discard, your starter can become dominated by sourdough waste, and won't perform as well. As soon as you're able to discard I would remove all but 1/2 cup (4 ounces) starter and feed it 1/2 cup (4 ounces) water and 1 scant cup (4 ounces) flour. You can save the rest of your starter in the refrigerator as discard for up to a week and use it in recipes calling for discard, but I think it will be helpful to get your main starter back on its regular feeding schedule as soon as you can. You may want to give it a day or two of twice a day feedings at room temperature once you get home, just to get it back in balance.
July 3, 2019 at 12:57pm
In reply to i took my starter with me on the road and i did not discard it … by Carla (not verified)