I viewed this blog and spoke with someone at King Arthur (I'm sorry, I forgot your name) then I went to Sustainable Food UK's blog about making artisanal sourdough bread. I chose to use their recipe -- much easier, much less complicated, no kneading, no attempt to make the fermented bread look like regular kneaded high-gluten bread prior to baking (the dough looks very rough and shaggy until it is folded). And, wow! it is the best bread I've ever made and the best bread I've ever had! Very simple, one just needs to understand that it is made over a 40-hour or so period. And, no, I don't have to make stiff starter, and, no, I don't throw any starter away even when my crock of starter has been sitting in the fridge for several days. For anyone who wants to attempt this, I highly recommend checking out Sustainable Food UK's blog. For an extra bonus, my gluten-intolerant husband (he does not have celiac, just does not digest gluten well) can eat this WHEAT bread.
January 6, 2017 at 1:50pm