I've been going to try the white whole wheat and this post has finally peaked my curiosity. My reluctance to try a whole grain crust comes from my youth.
When I was just 18 I was the nanny and cook for an actor's family traveling for his work. They ate carefully, whole grains, raw milk, etc. When the father's aunt, who had owned a diner for 30 years, was coming to visit I decided to make an apple pie. Though I was young I had grown up cooking was a pretty good baker. I had not, though, ever made a pie with whole grains. This was 1969 and whole grains were not yet ubiquitous. The only flour we had was a coarsely ground Indian Red Wheat. I struggled mightily with that dough, finally settling for a much thicker crust than normal.
Filled with apples that pie weighted a ton! We each hefted the pie and had a good laugh, but those kind people dug right in and not a single sliver went to waste.
June 28, 2015 at 1:10pm